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  • Hybrid Format - Rome
  • 12 December 2022

    New approaches to education and training in a changing world

    Educational curricula are traditionally designed to train young people for the world of work. In that sense, education plays a fundamental role in determining new generations’ possibilities for future success. Thus, it is particularly important in this changing world that educational systems keep pace with the transformations taking place in the society, technology and careers. Given the rapidity of those transformations, it the educational experience can no longer be considered as having ended once one has joined the workforce – hence the need for lifelong learning. As much as it should not be surprising that many investment funds have recently identified training as a high profitability sector, it’s excessive financing must nevertheless be avoided in order to maintain stability and quality over time.

  • Milan
  • 16 November 2022

    Italy’s recovery and resilience plan: how to strengthen and accelerate the implementation phase

    After two years of planning, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) has reached the point of implementation, with distributions going to local agencies that are now tasked with administering the funds. This undertaking is not devoid of problems associated with technical and administrative capacities. While on the one hand Italy is among the countries leading the definition of objectives and requesting installments from Europe, at the same time it is saddled with the age-old difficulty getting projects off the ground; indeed, according to a government update, only 15 billion of the 39 billion allotted has been spent.

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 9 February 2022

    New businesses, skills, generations

    Due not least to the disruption brought on by the pandemic, the early part of this decade has been marked by two macro-trends: the pervasiveness of technology and a rising number of new businesses.
    The second of these is being sustained by an unprecedented influx of risk capital that helps to attract the sort of talent capable of best combining key skill sets and exceptional motivation.

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 1 March 2021

    Recovery Plan for the new generation

      The European Union response to the pandemic’s economic consequences has been the unprecedented mobilization of 2.4 billion euro in resources. The largest slice of the pie – 672.5 billion – will be earmarked for financing the Recovery and Resilience Facility, half of which is to be disbursed in the form of subsidies and the other half in loans. The end of austerity and renewed Member State solidarity have made it possible for Italy to count on 200 billion euro in such subsidies and loans.

    • Meeting in digital format
    • 12 May 2021

      The future of the city: tomorrow is already yesterday

        The health emergency of recent months has changed the needs of citizens, particularly as regards their way of living in cities and private homes. These changes have to do with multiple aspects of the urban environment. They can be traced to the influence of transversal themes that include the “green revolution”, digital development, new forms of socializing stemming from virus containment measures and changes in infrastructure.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 7 July 2021

        Governing a community. Public administration and citizenry

          In corporations and in cities, it is people that make the difference. This was the theme of a discussion with Marco Bucci, one-time corporate manager in Italy and the United States and now mayor of the city of Genoa.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 19 May 2020

          Financing the recovery. Europe, Germany, Italy

            The main thread of the meeting could be summarized in this initial question: How can political relations between two culturally similar countries like Italy and Germany be so fragile and apparently unstable despite the solid trade relationship they enjoy? The parameters of the search for an answer were broad and deep, proof of the historic breadth of an Italo-German relationship dating back to the Renaissance and marked today by the shared values and principles of the European Union.

          • Meeting in digital format
          • 19 November 2020

            Smart Land: Can small towns and outlying areas be an option in the country’s pursuit of growth?

              A return to life in small towns and outlying areas could offer a strategic opportunity for Italian post-pandemic economic recovery. Italy’s environmental and cultural heritage can become pivotal elements in the framework of long-term policies conceived in continuity with some ideas previously promoted at both national and local levels, with the aim of regulating the equilibrium between the economic development of cities, small towns and remote areas.

            • Varano de' Melegari (PR)
            • 2 July 2019

              The car of the future: Made in Italy, technology, competition

                The automobile industry is riding the crest of a major innovative wave involving the digitalization of products and processes, the science of materials and solutions for sustainable mobility. This automotive evolution concerns automobiles produced for “mobility” and vehicles for “fun”. Indeed, these two broad categories are becoming increasingly divergent and often have antithetic specifications.

              • Rome
              • 13 November 2019

                Internet and the new media: how democracy is changing

                  The third Aspen University Fellows round table focused on the digital revolution’s impact on democracies. The world is currently experiencing a sort of mingling of physical and digital continents. In its early years, the web was seen as an extraordinary invention that would have made it possible to govern existing communications systems by fostering the birth of a more pluralistic society.