Becoming an Aspen Italia Sustaining Member offers priority access to interaction and dialogue with the four pillars of Aspen’s world: institutions, business, academia and the media. The community as a whole comprises a varied range of skills from different walks of life that contribute to the intellectual quality of Aspen’s programs and to the Institute’s compendium of ideas. Input from members is crucial to the success of the Institute’s work.
Joining Aspen means:
- Investing in knowledge through access to useful tools of analysis and reflection in order to gain a better grasp of the processes of change and thus to shape the future.
- Exploring strategic interests through study and research into themes that have a direct impact on members’ priorities.
- Expanding one’s networks through the promotion and facilitation of direct and informal interaction with personalities and with institutions both public and private, national and international, profit-based and non-profit.
- Cultivating leadership by honing leaders’ ability to interpret complexity, and encouraging the training of new leaders.
- Discovering new opportunities through the identification of emerging opportunities on an interdisciplinary level, creating forums for dialogue, encouraging debate between different cultures and traditions, and identifying the most important current innovations.
Membership process
The candidacies of businesses interested in joining as Sustaining Members or as Friends of Aspen must be approved by the Executive Committee. Ordinary Members – distinguished international and Italian figures – are also approved by the Executive Committee before joining the Board.