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  • Milano
  • 6 May 2024

    The mobility of the future: economic and infrastructure challenges

    La mobilità, responsabile per il 25% delle emissioni a livello europeo, è uno dei settori su cui si incentra la transizione ecologica. La sua rilevanza nella vita quotidiana dei cittadini, così come l’impatto di un tasso di innovazione tecnologica molto elevato pongono sfide particolarmente urgenti.

  • Rome
  • 14 November 2023

    Growth in Europe: the role of banks

    Given the uncertainty of the scenario, banks are being reaffirmed as drivers of growth, although they cannot replace national and international institutions. Finance must serve as a support for businesses and families, notwithstanding the limitations of the European banking system, especially compared with the Chinese and American giants.

  • Bresso
  • 23 October 2023

    Future by Quality. The value of data analytics and artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector

    Discussion at this event focused on the prospects, potential, state of the art and challenges associated with the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector. The growing amount of data available to the medical sector, along with the emergence of new AI systems, is making it possible to mine those data for elements capable of improving healthcare as well as accelerating research and development in the sector itself.