The e-book series Aspen Italia Views – published with the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (founded by Giovanni Treccani) – presents analyses and studies conducted by preeminent authors on the major challenges facing contemporary societies. The series provides a modern and lively intellectual forum on topics ranging from culture and technology to politics and national and international security. The publications are characterized by a business community emphasis, with an approach that is scientific and that focuses on the dynamics and scenarios of strategic interest to entrepreneurial activity. The series can be downloaded from the internet and read on desktop computers, laptops, or tablets with any e-book reader app. The following e-books are available in the Aspen Italia Views series:
Aspen Institute Italia’s work takes place behind closed doors and any media representatives attending do so in a strictly personal capacity. For certain specific conferences the Institute organizes meetings with the press to acquaint the national and international media with the analyses and proposals that have emerged in the course of the event. On other occasions the Institute grants exclusive coverage to national TV networks and press sources. The magazine’s main themes are also debated and analyzed in the course of meetings held by invitation and open to the media, known as the “Aspenia Talks”.
Aspen Institute Italia è una comunità composta in primo luogo da Soci Sostenitori, Soci Ordinari, Amici di Aspen, Aspen Junior Fellows, Aspen University Fellows e Aspen Junior Fellows Alumni, ma aperta anche a quanti in Italia e dall’estero vogliano offrire un contributo di idee e proposte coerenti con l’attività dell’Istituto. Organi di Aspen Institute Italia sono il Comitato Esecutivo, il Consiglio Generale, il Presidente e i vice Presidenti, il Segretario Generale e il Collegio Sindacale. Il Consiglio Generale è composto in maniera paritetica dai Soci Sostenitori e dai rappresentanti dei Soci Ordinari, e si riunisce in funzione deliberante almeno una volta l’anno. Tra le sue funzioni quella di eleggere il Presidente e i Vice Presidenti nonché il Comitato Esecutivo. Il Comitato Esecutivo, composto in maniera paritetica dai rappresentanti dei Soci Sostenitori e dei Soci Ordinari, ha tra le sue prerogative quella di sottoporre al Consiglio Generale l’approvazione del bilancio consuntivo e del programma annuale di attività – sovrintendendo poi alla sua realizzazione.
With “Italian Talents Abroad” (TIE) – a network that includes both authoritative representatives and young people who are forging brilliant careers for themselves outside Italy – Aspen aims to tackle a variety of challenges. The group brings together some of the most significant experiences accumulated by Italians abroad, helping to build increasingly global professional skills, and boosting Italy’s ability to present itself on the international stage as a country-system.
The Community of Italian Talents Abroad was set up by Aspen in 2009 and comprises players from a broad range of sectors such as large corporations, start-ups, the world of finance, academia, research and institutions. It is constantly growing, with new participants and new areas of expertise. Its current members come from thirty-four different countries, from every continent.
In addition to attending the Institute’s national and international events, the network’s members also take part in conferences devised expressly for them, thus enabling them to debate issues of common interest such as change in the workplace and its impact on education and training systems; the ecosytem comprising business, universities and research; artificial intelligence as a factor for growth; the future of smart cities, and so forth.