With “Italian Talents Abroad” (TIE) – a network that includes both authoritative representatives and young people who are forging brilliant careers for themselves outside Italy – Aspen aims to tackle a variety of challenges. The group brings together some of the most significant experiences accumulated by Italians abroad, helping to build increasingly global professional skills, and boosting Italy’s ability to present itself on the international stage as a country-system.
Rome, July 9 – 10, 2019 – 11th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Livio Manzini, Monica Mandelli, Marco Magnani, Riccardo Lattanzi
Rome, July 9-10, 2017 – 9th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli, Maurizio Sacconi
Rome, June 10-11, 2018 – 10th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Angelo Maria Petroni, Cesare Romiti, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, Giulio Tremonti
Rome, September 28, 2015 – 7th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Fabio Scano, Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli, Marisa Roberto
Rome, April 19-21, 2013 – 5th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Ugo Supino, Francesco Stellacci, Salvatore Scibona
Rome, April 15-16, 2012 – 4th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Carlo Rovelli, Marisa Roberto
Rome, April 15-16, 2012 – 4th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Stefano Scarpetta
Cernobbio, March 11-12, 2011 – 3rd Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Lorenzo De Rita, Luca De Meo
The Community of Italian Talents Abroad was set up by Aspen in 2009 and comprises players from a broad range of sectors such as large corporations, start-ups, the world of finance, academia, research and institutions. It is constantly growing, with new participants and new areas of expertise. Its current members come from thirty-four different countries, from every continent.
In addition to attending the Institute’s national and international events, the network’s members also take part in conferences devised expressly for them, thus enabling them to debate issues of common interest such as change in the workplace and its impact on education and training systems; the ecosytem comprising business, universities and research; artificial intelligence as a factor for growth; the future of smart cities, and so forth.
Rome, September 27 – 28, 2015 – 7th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Nicola Bellomo, Euro Beinat, Angelo Maria Petroni, Giulio Tremonti
Rome, September 22, 2014 – 6th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Davide Rubini, Marisa Roberto, Mario Raviglione
Rome, 15-16 April 2012 – 4th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Ludovico Ciferri, Francesca Casadio
Rome, April 20, 2013 – 5th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Fabio Capello, Monica Beltrametti, Nicola Bellomo
Rome, June 9-10, 2019 – 11th Conference of the Community of Italian Talents Abroad. Anna Maria Corazzo Bildt, Ludovico Ciferri, Francesca Casadio