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Executive Committee

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        The Executive Committee, the Association’s governing body, comprises both ex officio members and 30 members chosen from among the members of the General Council, appointed in equal number from among representatives of the Sustaining Members and the Ordinary Members.

        The Executive Committee appoints the Secretary General and has the power to revoke that appointment. It also appoints the President of the Friends of Aspen and the President of the Aspen Junior Fellows.  It deliberates on the admission of new members, proposes the dismissal or exclusion of members to the General Council and establishes the manner in which ordinary members elect their representatives on the Institute’s General Council.

        The Aspen Institute Italia Executive Committee’s current members are:

        Giuliano Amato
        Lucia Annunziata
        Federico Arcelli
        Paolo Bertoluzzo
        Gian Carlo Blangiardo
        Alberto Bombassei
        Sonia Bonfiglioli
        Domenico Cacopardo
        Antonio Calabrò
        Sabino Cassese
        Alessandro Chiesi
        Marta Dassù
        Giuseppe De Rita
        Giovanna Dossena
        Marco Fortis
        Aldo Fumagalli Romario
        Vincenzo Gesmundo
        Fabiola Gianotti
        Anna Gionfriddo
        Antonio Gozzi
        Federica Guidi
        Gianni Letta
        Nicoletta Luppi
        Letizia Magaldi
        Luciano Maiani
        Emma Marcegaglia
        Massimo Massella Ducci Teri
        Giampiero Massolo
        Maria Cristina Messa
        Paolo Mieli
        Lorenzo Ornaghi
        Gabriella Palmieri Sandulli
        Antonio Patuelli
        Riccardo Perissich
        Massimo Petrone
        Angelo Maria Petroni
        Gerd Pircher
        Monica Poggio
        Daniel Porterfield
        Romano Prodi
        Alberto Quadrio Curzio
        Gianfelice Rocca
        Angela Santoni
        Carlo Scognamiglio
        Nicoletta Spagnoli
        Veronica Squinzi
        Lucio Stanca
        Giulio Tremonti
        Marco Tronchetti Provera
        Beatrice Trussardi
        Giuliano Urbani
        Elena Zambon

         Board of Auditors

        Gianpaolo Bresciani
        Giuseppina Fusco
        Norberto Arquilla