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International Roundtable

  • Rome
  • 20 November 2024

    The economic impact of US elections

    The results of the presidential elections in the United States have always conditioned world balances, and not only in political spheres. The second Trump presidency may be remembered as a protectionist turning point of major consequence for the entire planet.

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 1 December 2021

    The decline of the West? The dilemma of liberal democracies

      What is waning more in the West, civility or democracy? There has been talk for a century now of Western “decline”, understood as demographic and economic, but also the decline of fundamental values such as freedom, democracy and openness. Interpretations have gone so far as to speak of a broad decline in moral values. It can be seen as the beginning of a different perception of the world’s diversities.

    • Rome
    • 31 January 2020

      The future of the European economy: the new Commission’s choices

        The European Union is confronting a series of long-term structural challenges that, nevertheless, require the immediate implementation of high impact, broad-spectrum policies. An initial issue is climate change, naturally a planet-wide concern for which Europe has already set goals, such as carbon neutrality within 2050 (which will obviously have direct effects on the energy sector).

      • Rome
      • 5 June 2019

        The post-election European Union: internal dynamics and global competition

          One possible initial interpretation of the European parliamentary vote focused on the retreat of both main traditional parties (People’s and Socialist) and the success of two other pro-Europe parties (Liberals and Greens) that almost offset it, and on a softening in euro-skeptic parties’ positions that seems traceable to changes from within. These latter are certainly a significant force, but they do not appear capable of deeply inflecting the work of the Parliament.