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        Founded in 1995, Aspenia is Aspen Institute Italia’s quarterly review. Marta Dassù is editor-in-chief. The journal has been published by Il Sole 24 Ore since 2002 and its 100th edition appeared on Italy’s newsstands in March 2023. An English version comes out twice a year and is distributed to institutions, embassies, think tanks and universities throughout the world.

        A sister publication exists solely online: Aspenia online publishes original articles in both Italian and in English, in an agile format along with infographics and videos. Aspenia online is free of charge and available to any reader who wishes to receive the newsletter.

        Institute Chairman Giulio Tremonti defines Aspenia as “a periodical for transatlantic debate reflecting Aspen’s international network; it offers a place for the business world to meet other worlds.”

        Aspenia’s success is due largely to its adoption of a multidisciplinary approach and to the long list of its prestigious contributors, whose number includes Giuliano Amato, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Lawrence Freedman, Francis Fukuyama, Fu Jun, Timothy Garton Ash, Bob Geldof, Bronislaw Geremek, Anthony Giddens, Samuel Huntington, Robert Kagan, Parag Khanna, Ivan Krastev, Charles Kupchan, Gilles Kepel, Arrigo Levi, Kishore Mahbubani, Mario Monti, Condoleezza Rice, Jeffrey Sachs, Paolo Savona, Carlo Scognamiglio, Joseph Stiglitz, Strobe Talbott and Giulio Tremonti.

        As the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief Marta Dassù explains: “Aspenia has addressed a large number of strategic issues, in many cases anticipating the major changes that we have seen in politics and in the international economy, and interpreting the Western system’s transformation over the past few decades”.

        The hardcopy edition is also available to buyers in digital format. Additional material is published in the form of short videos in the “Aspenia ideas on…” series.

        Charles Cook – 22 ottobre 2020
        Marco Alverà – 7 aprile 2021

        The journal’s main themes are also debated and analyzed in the course of meetings that are open to the press and held by invitation, known as the “Aspenia Talks”.

        Aspenia Talk, Rome - Foreign Press Association, July 18., 2024
        Rome, December 16, 2015 – 20 years of Aspenia