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  • Crocetta del Montello
  • 22 May 2023

    Challenges for businesses in Italy’s northeast

    The importance of the Italian northeast to the nation’s overall economy is immediately evident from a glance at a map of nighttime illumination, which reveals a clear duality between this most luminous, and consequently most productive, portion of the country and the rest.

  • International digital conference
  • 4 May 2023

    Rethinking EU competitiveness in the changing geopolitical world

    The discussion underway on European economic governance reform is part of a substantially uncertain and volatile macro-financial picture. The principal risks include stagflation, financial fragmentation, competitiveness problems (in light of the American Inflation Reduction Act) and the twin (digital and sustainable) transitions.

  • Rome
  • 5 April 2023

    The Staffs of Politicians

    The staffs of politicians have gone through a series of phases from 1861 up to the present day. From the Unification of Italy to the end of the Second World War, their primary feature was fragmentation and disjointedness; a scarcity of responsibilities excluded political and para-political involvement, limiting them to generic support for their assigned ministers, even as regards personal affairs.

  • Milan
  • 20 March 2023

    The water industry

    The water industry is strategic to the future of Italy from the point of view not only of the economy but also of the country’s resilience to the increasingly complex challenges posed by the climate crisis.

  • Roma
  • 23 February 2023

    Italy and the United States: a new Atlanticism

    Dall’indagine demoscopica commissionata da Aspen Institute Italia emerge un’opinione pubblica italiana complessivamente consapevole delle gravità di varie sfide internazionali alla sicurezza. Si denota un certo equilibrio tra il legame transatlantico e le partnership europee, ma anche molta prudenza nell’assumere gravosi impegni nazionali all’estero. Restano alcune tradizionali differenze di opinione e percezione tra Italia e Stati Uniti, soprattutto rispetto all’uso della forza militare e ai futuri rapporti con la Russia.

  • Rome
  • 10 February 2023

    In Favor of Pure Science

    The conference is part of the broader “Aspen Global Initiative in Favor of Pure Science”, the result of the first-ever collaboration of all the Aspen Institutes around the world. The meeting set itself the goal of focusing attention on future attempts to raise awareness among public and private decision makers and the entire civil society of the need for increased financial and human investments on behalf of pure science.