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Aspen European Dialogue

  • Rome
  • 10 April 2024

    Europe’s destiny: security and defense priorities

    For a country such as Italy, the rapid, far-reaching changes in the global system call for broader and more effective defense sector undertakings, in terms both of national capability and integration with allies. Although it has been underway for some years now, this trend has thus far been seriously underestimated, even by European partners, and directly concerns the vital economic interests of countries heavily inter-dependent in terms of foreign trade. It thus calls for the generation of synergies between a wide range of sectors that include military instruments.

  • International digital conference
  • 4 May 2023

    Rethinking EU competitiveness in the changing geopolitical world

    The discussion underway on European economic governance reform is part of a substantially uncertain and volatile macro-financial picture. The principal risks include stagflation, financial fragmentation, competitiveness problems (in light of the American Inflation Reduction Act) and the twin (digital and sustainable) transitions.