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Programs: “Geopolitics”

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        5 December 2022

        The EU and China facing global change: Energy transition, growth models, and global trends

        There is broad consensus in both Europe and China that global economic slowdown is a serious threat, which is complicated by current monetary policy responses to inflation as a result of both the Russia/Ukraine war and the end of the pandemic recession. Given the enormous challenges this poses for economic policies, a multilateral framework for managing problems of such proportions would be to the advantage all countries – advanced, emerging and developing. In reality, however, many of the most recent national choices have gone in the opposite direction, with scarce coordination and unilateral action – starting with the US Fed, whose interest rate adjustments have been especially impactful given the international role of the dollar.

      • Meeting in hybrid format - Rome
      • 6 July 2022

        The future of Russia in the post-global world

        The war Russia has unleashed on Ukraine is having a global effect, especially in the energy sector and on the economy more generally, in what was already a considerably unstable global environment.  Despite the fragmentation or regionalization of some phenomena now underway, globalization continues to be a fundamental reality for today’s world, in terms both of trade interdependence and, even more critically, of financial connections – sectors where the West clearly remains predominant.

        30 June 2022

        Aspenia 97: Presentation – Addio alla Russia.

        Rome, 30 June 2022 – To tie in with the publication of Aspenia 97 (in Italian), Aspen Institute Italia will be holding an Aspenia Talk on “The future of Russia in the post-global world” in digital mode at 18:00 on Wednesday 6 July.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 13 April 2022

        Ukraine’s defense of freedom: a conversation with our partner Aspen Institute Kyiv

        • Uncategorized

        There is ample consensus that a firm and cohesive response to the Russian attack on Ukraine must come from the international community, Europe in particular. There is also a clear awareness that neither punitive measures nor the supply of arms to Ukrainian forces are likely to radically impact the outcome of this military conflict.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 5 April 2022

        Corporate finance. The geopolitics of currencies and crypto-currency development

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        The dollar remains strong and, despite a few crises, is still the world’s preeminent reserve currency. The euro, on the other hand – although it does represent a solid and advanced economy – has not managed to become a reserve currency capable of replacing the dollar.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 23 March 2022

        The Future of Currencies

        The international financial system is in the throes of deep change as a result of the war in Ukraine – and not only. Upheaval is destined to continue. The dollar, reserve currency par excellence, will gain strength, while the euro, despite its aspirations to become the second global reserve currency, still has a long road ahead of it; and the difficult international situation will only contribute to widening the divide between the two.  

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 22 February 2022

        The Space Economy: Challenges for Italy and Europe

        The space industry is in rapid expansion. The space component is gaining importance in the defense sector, but dual-use technologies have become equally decisive with the massive development of instrumentation for observation of the Earth and its atmosphere within the context of environmental concerns. Meanwhile the rapid evolution of satellite communications toward the creation of satellite constellations has profound implications for the business and consumer services they can offer as well as for satellite navigation.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 15 February 2022

        Twenty years of the euro: triumphs, problems, prospects

        The euro is celebrating its first twenty years as a success but also in the awareness that much remains to be done. The overwhelming majority of European citizens consider the single currency a part of their identity and view it favorably; surely, the introduction of the euro simplified economic and commercial activities. Yet, not to be underestimated is the problem it created, particularly for a country like Italy, by eliminating the possibility of using exchange rates as a competitive devaluation tool.

      • Meeting in hybrid format - Dubai
      • 11 February 2022

        Aspen at Expo: Facing International Challenges: Women as key actors

        As acknowledged during the recent Italy-led G20, the empowerment of women is an international issue of undeniable importance. Making the transition from awareness to profound changes in rules and practices requires the creation of global networks at political, diplomatic and governmental levels – in other words, in all decision-making processes.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 8 February 2022

        Global Tax: business opportunities and challenges

        The concept of a global, transnational tax is nothing new. The idea was first broached around a hundred years ago in the League of Nations during the First World War. Although not yet global in scope, talks were already underway regarding the territorial authority to tax oil companies operating in countries different to where they were incorporated. Those sessions gave birth to the “stable organization” concept still in use within the framework of international taxation.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 10 December 2021

        Aspen Italy/France Forum

          Italy and France have solid relations built on a common history of strong economic and cultural ties. An important addition to those relations is the Quirinale Treaty signed in Rome on November 26. This strengthening of bilateral cooperation is crucial, in the first place, to the future of European economic governance. In the coming months, fiscal policy rules will be written into a revised Stability and Growth Pact within the framework of the French EU presidency. New rules on State Aid will also be outlined along with a framework of reforms needed to make the continent more competitive.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 28 September 2021

          The post Merkel Germany: implications for Europe and the US

            The September 26 German elections could not but be influenced by the figure of Angela Merkel. Her principal legacy is probably to have been a master crisis manager and a pillar of political stability, but she has not staked her career on promoting a truly comprehensive and ambitious vision for Europe. Even regarding the pursuit of German national interests, an overall assessment of her profile as a leader must take into account several missed opportunities for renewal and perhaps even excessive prudence.