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Telecommunications, content, broadcasting: services and markets

    • Rome
    • 6 April 2005

          This roundtable focused on problems presented by rapid development in the telecommunications sector and prospects for growth. The diverse platforms, each with their special characteristics and peculiarities, provide the customer with a variety of choices and services, in accordance with their particular needs. In order to compete, businesses must present their products in original ways as well as satisfy the customer’s demand for an interactive and personalized product. Many questions remain open: should companies insist on pure and simple agreements or look to share risks and benefits in a broader sense; should they base their future content on an existing model or look for new and original solutions through various channels of distribution. Finally, as regards regulations – an important factor in the TLC sector – participants discussed current norms and how well they work in guaranteeing competitiveness without slowing down development.

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          Strillo: Telecommunications, content, broadcasting: services and markets