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National Roundtable

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 30 June 2021

    Territoriality and Health Policy

      The pandemic has highlighted the fragility and disparities of a National Health Service already hard put to confront the combination of an ageing population and the growing incidence of chronic pathologies. As a result, the political agenda is now focused on striking a new balance between macro assistance levels (moreover, previously indicated in “fiscal federalism” reforms) and the proportioning of related standard costs.

    • Meeting in digital format
    • 6 July 2021

      Global trade and protectionism: a new balance post-Covid

        The pandemic has not halted global trade and, with recovery now in sight, the data offer an encouraging picture. Nevertheless, the scenario has changed dramatically. The globalization of the 1990s and the early 2000s have given way to a global fragmentation that has led various countries to reinforce bonds with historic allies and trusted partners.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 12 July 2021

        Digital Platforms

          The digital revolution has profoundly changed how goods and services are consumed by increasing their availability online, thereby enhancing the role of web platforms. Indeed, these latter have been an essential tool for extending political rights such as freedom of speech, and for framing new ones, especially within the economic sphere, such as consumer rights. At the same time, however, they have laid the groundwork for a concentration of overriding powers, and the abuse of those powers.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 3 November 2021

          Digital markets and the real economy

            Italian industry is compelled to face the prospect of a future digital market, along with the continuing paradigm shifts that technological transformation is imposing on the economic and social fabric. The radical transformation of manufacturing, consumption and habits is having a significant impact not only on daily activities but also on the capacity for near-future analysis and forecast.

          • Meeting in digital format
          • 17 November 2021

            The rise of the silver economy

              Population ageing is a global trend affecting all the world’s foremost economies. The phenomenon is have an especially significant impact on China and Europe and seems destined, along with the climate crisis, to be among the main generators of change in twenty-first century societies. Governments, citizens and the business community thus find themselves facing a range of challenges as well as a host of opportunities.

            • Meeting in digital format
            • 24 November 2021

              Making the most of Italy’s energy resources

                The focus of both the G20 in Rome in October and of the COP26 in Glasgow in November was the energy transition.  Italy continues to be an active participant in a debate that sheds light on the fact that the transition is not only energy-related, but also an economic, financial, social and cultural one.

              • Meeting in digital format
              • 9 March 2021

                For a sustainable energy transition: enhance opportunities, reduce challenges

                  For the first time ever, humanity is confronting the monumental challenge of an energy transition with rigorous goals and timeframes. In order to be successful, these must involve the largest number of global actors possible: not only governments, but industry and private citizens as well. The European Union has assumed a clear global leadership role, making CO2 emissions reductions one of the pillars of its program. The pandemic and recovery resources earmarked are accelerating the implementation of this commitment.

                • Meeting in digital format
                • 22 November 2021

                  Space: The new frontier for economy and research

                    The history of human presence in space consists mainly of two phases. The first of these, more political – and in hindsight, military – in nature, was entirely in the hands of the United States given the high cost of investments. In the second phase, which spawned the “new space economy”, has reduced government participation and opened the doors to private interests eager to offer auxiliary services to institutional operators as well as to develop new activities.

                  • Meeting in digital format
                  • 25 March 2021

                    New synergies in healthcare supply: challenges for the “last mile”

                      The Covid pandemic has spotlighted not only how essential a good healthcare system is, but also the key importance of the last mile, understood as a relationship of proximity to the patients. Getting to the citizen effectively is still an issue to be dealt with, both in treating the virus and in the vaccination campaign. The work already being done and yet to be done in order to deal with the problems arising during the current emergency period will serve as the basis for redrawing the healthcare system of the future.

                    • Meeting in digital format
                    • 8 November 2021

                      Digital society: democracy, information, security

                        The relationship between information and power is not a new concern. Ancient Greek historian Polybius defined ochlocracy as the degeneration of democracy where the mob is led to believe it is free to exercise its prerogatives while instead becoming the active instrument of one or more groups. The exponential spread of interconnected actors has fed a considerable flow of web-channeled data, the appropriate use of which platforms are required to manage. This endeavor calls for an ability to differentiate between content that is legal and that which may constitute a violation.

                      • Meeting in digital format
                      • 22 March 2021

                        Intellectual Property: Protection and Enforcement

                          At just over a year from the outbreak of the pandemic, the attention being given to the delays and difficulties of the vaccine campaign is overshadowing a fundamental fact: it took less than 12 months for scientists to produce a successful anti-covid vaccine. This is an astonishing result, and is thanks to public/private collaboration. That atmosphere of cooperation must not be allowed to fail now as efforts are made to manage its production and distribution.

                        • Meeting in digital format
                        • 11 May 2021

                          Digital Health: a people-centric approach

                            Digital medicine is having a major impact on both economies and health. The introduction of healthcare technologies – not least in consideration of the changing epidemiological framework, the ageing of the population and the growing incidence of chronic pathologies and related changes in treatment needs – could lead to significant savings for national healthcare systems.  At the same time it could open up important opportunities in terms of new services and the associated creation of economic value.

                          • Meeting in digital format
                          • 15 June 2021

                            Post pandemic Italy’s banking sector: new challenges, new opportunities for the real economy

                              As it leaves the health emergency behind, Italy is focusing on economic recovery. The European resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan offer major opportunities in a shifting scenario. On the one hand, the crisis was not the result of structural problems, but rather due to a situation created by the pandemic; this means that, despite the difficulties of this forced arrest, reviving the economic machine should not be too problematic. On the other hand, however, these long months of inactivity have compromised the financial situation of many firms.

                            • Meeting in digital format
                            • 16 November 2020

                              Generational turnover in Italy

                                Business is the fundamental agent in the recovery of an economy struck as dramatically by the pandemic as Italy’s has been. To determine whether that recovery will be a success we need to consider the system’s economic armature of countless small and medium-sized family-run enterprises. Today’s generational hand-over becomes even more important than it has been over recent decades. At stake is the result of the major challenges awaiting national manufacturing: the digital transformation and the environmental transition.

                              • Meeting in digital format
                              • 23 November 2020

                                Italy’s health system: finding a balance between emergencies and routine care

                                  The Italian healthcare system continues to feel the pressure of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the outlay of financial and organizational resources needed to confront the emergency must not take the focus off the structural issues posed by the need to protect a steadily ageing population’s health. Instead, the pandemic should offer an opportunity to highlight existing shortcomings and create new models with which to confront a future return to normality.

                                • Meeting in digital format
                                • 9 November 2020

                                  Building an interconnected society: infrastructure, investment, innovation and integration

                                    The pandemic has had a considerable impact on lifestyles, both temporarily and longer term (structurally). Even after the arrival of an anti-coronavirus vaccine, an interconnected society is going to have to recuperate a good number of physical living spaces in order to get back to “normal”. That means fewer distance-based activities, some of which, however, are bound to remain useful and will tend to be employed more as we move forward than they were in pre-emergency times.

                                  • Milan
                                  • 27 January 2020

                                    AI: a new alliance between technology, business and society

                                      The Artificial Intelligence debate, which started back in the 1950s, has become particularly topical today. The benefits of AI are recognized as undeniable but, at the same time, there is growing fear and resistance owing to the evolution of the man/machine – or subject/tool – relationship.

                                    • Meeting in digital format
                                    • 10 December 2020

                                      A recipe to relaunch Italy’s economy

                                        Italy must not underestimate the challenge of generating economic recovery using Next Generation EU resources. Europe, after so many years of hesitancy, made a decided shift in gears when it reached out to the market to collect the funds for reconstruction. It is now up to individual countries to submit credible recovery plans. There are various glitches to be resolved when it comes to the Italian situation – first among them being to formulate a consistent vision of the country’s future.

                                      • Meeting in digital format
                                      • 21 May 2020

                                        Government, finance and business team up on economic recovery and competitiveness

                                          Italia ed Europa stanno provando a superare la fase dell’emergenza legata alla pandemia di coronavirus. Si tratta di un frangente delicato in cui gli Stati, le banche e le imprese devono lavorare insieme per lasciare alle spalle la crisi e costruire una “nuova normalità”. Se in questo momento la priorità è offrire liquidità alle imprese e gli strumenti messi in campo sono le moratorie, le garanzie pubbliche e il sostegno del canale bancario, nel futuro diventerà cruciale riparare ai danni creati dal virus e sostenere la capitalizzazione delle aziende.

                                        • Meeting in digital format
                                        • 17 November 2020

                                          Research and innovation for life sciences in Italy

                                            The daily effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on every individual and organization are clearly foregrounding how wealth and health go hand in hand. The quest for health – the focus of the political agenda and objectives of every government – will influence every government’s process of reconstruction for months to come.