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The Left and the Right: merit, rights, opportunities. Redefining values for generations to come

    • Rome
    • 27 September 2007

          This conference focussed on the evolution of traditional political categories, from reform liberalism to liberal socialism, from economic values to development and equal opportunity, from individual merit to corporate mentality, the role of the state and the independence of enterprise. Different solutions have been developed throughout Europe: from the Grosse Koalition in Germany to “neocentralism” in the UK, to a definitive abolishment of the left-right divide (as some defined it) in France. As the world moves on from 20th century ideologies, the demand for rapid but complex responses from decision-making bodies grows. Politicians must meet local, national and supranational needs, without being overly influenced by the “consensus trap”. The categories of “right” and “left”, historically dependent on different approaches to the market and to public expenditure, are now battling it out over “meta-economic” values, such as bioethics or national identity. Limits to generational turnover are an unresolved issue in politics. youth today risk remaining stuck between the need for a paycheck and the demands of competition. Participants focused particularly on the need for greater attention to merit, to considering talent, promoting competition and guaranteeing equal opportunity, already from school age. Tools are also needed to create an all-inclusive society, in which solidarity towards those elements in need is a given.

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