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Programs: “United States”

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  • Research

      • Trento
      • 25 May 2024

        2024, The American puzzle

        Donald Trump and Joe Biden are once again the leading contenders for the White House. The question is obvious: how is it that the American democratic system has not been able to bring change to the electoral face-off for the year 2024, even in generational terms?

      • Rome
      • 19 October 2023

        Testing the West in 2024. Politics, security and economics in EU-US relations

        2024 is going to be a crucial electoral year for Europe and the United States as they each face not only internal political issues but also the pressure of growing international tensions. The outcome of the elections will be the first major indication of whether the two shores of the Atlantic will continue to act in tandem, with no center or guide, in a manner marked by what has been defined “the age of the polycrisis”, or if existing divergences will widen further.

      • Washington
      • 10 July 2023

        The future of the West in a fragmented world

        Contemplation of the future of the West becomes especially vital for a fragmented world in the throes of rising geopolitical tension. The situation’s foremost victim is globalization, which for thirty-odd years seemed to have arrested history but whose dynamics have come forcefully back to center stage.

      • Roma
      • 23 February 2023

        Italy and the United States: a new Atlanticism

        Dall’indagine demoscopica commissionata da Aspen Institute Italia emerge un’opinione pubblica italiana complessivamente consapevole delle gravità di varie sfide internazionali alla sicurezza. Si denota un certo equilibrio tra il legame transatlantico e le partnership europee, ma anche molta prudenza nell’assumere gravosi impegni nazionali all’estero. Restano alcune tradizionali differenze di opinione e percezione tra Italia e Stati Uniti, soprattutto rispetto all’uso della forza militare e ai futuri rapporti con la Russia.

        30 June 2022

        Aspenia 97: Presentation – Addio alla Russia.

        Rome, 30 June 2022 – To tie in with the publication of Aspenia 97 (in Italian), Aspen Institute Italia will be holding an Aspenia Talk on “The future of Russia in the post-global world” in digital mode at 18:00 on Wednesday 6 July.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 28 September 2021

        The post Merkel Germany: implications for Europe and the US

          The September 26 German elections could not but be influenced by the figure of Angela Merkel. Her principal legacy is probably to have been a master crisis manager and a pillar of political stability, but she has not staked her career on promoting a truly comprehensive and ambitious vision for Europe. Even regarding the pursuit of German national interests, an overall assessment of her profile as a leader must take into account several missed opportunities for renewal and perhaps even excessive prudence.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 7 April 2021

          The economics of climate change: a joint agenda between US and Europe

            Policies for waging the battle against climate change and for and managing the phenomenon are central to both the post-pandemic economic recovery and to transatlantic relations at this new stage of opportunity for Euro-American cooperation. The slogan adopted by Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral campaign – “Build Back Better” – can be considered overall a highly appropriate approach to the international circumstances that distinguish 2021.

            19 January 2021

            Aspenia 91: Presentation – l’America nonostante tutto

            Rome, 19 January 2021 – To tie in with the publication of Aspenia 91, a journal edited by Marta Dassù, Aspen Institute Italia, in partnership with RAINEWS 24, will be holding an Aspenia Talk on the Zoom platform tomorrow, 20 January, at 17:30. President Joe Biden’s inaugural address will be aired live in the course of the debate – see attached invitation.

          • Meeting in digital format
          • 1 December 2021

            The decline of the West? The dilemma of liberal democracies

              What is waning more in the West, civility or democracy? There has been talk for a century now of Western “decline”, understood as demographic and economic, but also the decline of fundamental values such as freedom, democracy and openness. Interpretations have gone so far as to speak of a broad decline in moral values. It can be seen as the beginning of a different perception of the world’s diversities.

            • Meeting in digital format
            • 8 November 2021

              Digital society: democracy, information, security

                The relationship between information and power is not a new concern. Ancient Greek historian Polybius defined ochlocracy as the degeneration of democracy where the mob is led to believe it is free to exercise its prerogatives while instead becoming the active instrument of one or more groups. The exponential spread of interconnected actors has fed a considerable flow of web-channeled data, the appropriate use of which platforms are required to manage. This endeavor calls for an ability to differentiate between content that is legal and that which may constitute a violation.

              • Meeting in digital format
              • 20 January 2021

                The Biden Administration and the Future of America

                  President Biden’s inauguration comes at a moment of serious division in the United States. Urgent domestic issues and a shifting international context have created some major challenges for the American leadership. Although he may be eager to put the “Trump factor” behind him with a long series of executive orders right from the start, the new president must also lay out a broader strategy.

                • Meeting in digital format
                • 8 October 2020

                  The future of Nato

                    The global security context needs to be interpreted and somehow modelled in order to better evaluate NATO’s trajectory and prospects: the international system seems to be caracterized by a form of “aggressive multipolarity”, as well as by a rather disorderly power competition across the spectrum. The US-China question has inevitably taken center stage, although the evolution of this bilateral relationship is far from clear at this stage.

                  • Meeting in digital format
                  • 9 December 2020

                    A new Green Deal between Europe and the US

                      The European Union has finally taken a vanguard position on green energy and climate change, approving major steps by other nations, such as China, Japan, South Africa, South Korea and the United States. The election of Joe Biden to the White House and the appointment of John Kerry as special climate envoy strongly suggest that transatlantic cooperation on the Green Deal, among other things, will be relaunched.

                    • Meeting in digital format
                    • 12 November 2020

                      Post elections USA and economic trends

                        Joe Biden is not going to have an easy launch into the White House. Not only because of the way Donald Trump’s behaving but, essentially, because the Democrats have lost several seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate run-off elections in Georgia on January 5th could award the two missing seats to the Republicans, creating a “divided government” that would make it very difficult for Biden to stick to his agenda – especially in terms of the economy. 

                      • Meeting in digital format
                      • 5 November 2020

                        X-raying the US elections. A one hour conversation with Charlie Cook

                          The most accurate way to assess the 2020 election would be to compare it to Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, when Hillary Clinton carried 20 States to his 30.

                          The 2020 situation is significantly different. Joe Biden’s basic goal was to win in the States that Clinton lost back then by less than 1% and he has done that, which is enough to explain the gap in his favor both across the nation and in key States such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania.

                        • Meeting in digital format
                        • 22 October 2020

                          The future of America. Trump’s legacy and policy challenges

                            Almost without exception, the polls point to a situation differs structurally when compared with 2016 – despite the statements of both electoral campaign, and precisely in relation to the reliability of predictions, aimed at mobilizing their respective supporters.

                            The majority of pollsters assign a probability of no more than 20% to a Trump victory in the Electoral College, which is the real determining factor in who becomes President, regardless of the popular vote. While Biden winning by a slim margin is realistic, a bigger win seems more probable at the present moment.