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  • Rome
  • 2 April 2014

    Europe’s shifting politics: the challenge for smarter integration

      There is a broad consensus on the key issues that will determine the sustainability and efficiency of the eurozone (and the European Union as a whole). These include common mechanisms in Europe, domestic political consensus in the face of the considerable sacrifices imposed on citizens, the functioning of national institutions to introduce necessary reforms; and mutual trust between the member countries.

    • New York
    • 28 February 2014

      The economic future of Europe and the US, the TTIP implications and investment opportunities in Italy

        Organized in collaboration with the Italian Business & Investment Initiative, this international workshop highlighted a renewed openness towards investing in Italy precisely because it possesses – albeit frequently not well-known – assets of interest to investors. It was stressed, however, that implementing (not merely announcing or adopting) reforms, and providing certainty, consistency and a business-friendly environment, remain the real challenges to overcome, as there is fierce competition between nations to attract foreign investment.

      • Venice
      • 4 October 2013

        Pivot to Europe: options for a new Atlantic century

          At this latest edition of the Aspen Transatlantic Dialogue, the participants pointed to recent developments in the United States – with the at-least partial “shutdown” of federal government operations – as highlighting the multiple dysfunction of political systems on both sides of the Atlantic. It was noted that, in the midst of an economic recovery that is uncertain, in some respects fragile, and unquestionably asymmetric (both as between different sectors and between different countries), the efficiency of government decision-making becomes crucial.

        • Rome
        • 22 May 2013

          Saving Europe: a new compact across the Atlantic

            The main challenge identified as facing European leaders was that of striking a delicate balance between maintaining domestic political consensus (in the face of strong social tensions) and implementing necessary but painful reforms that almost without exception will only yield positive results in the medium to long term. While the worst of the financial crisis seems to have been overcome, many concerns remain regarding the overall state of Europe’s economies and the EU’s continued viability from a political and institutional standpoint.

          • London
          • 29 March 2012

            The future(s) of capitalism

              Throughout its history, capitalism has shown an outstanding ability to evolve and adapt to changing political and technological environments.

            • Venice
            • 5 March 2010

              Back to the fertile crescent: the Middle East, Europe and the US

                The Middle East is an increasingly diverse region where very old problems coexist with genuine opportunities for renewal and socio-economic progress. A powerful driver of change has become the Gulf, thanks to very large financial resources and a willingness to invest in the neighboring countries – as well as beyond, with a special emphasis on East Asia.

              • Milan
              • 14 June 2015

                A positive economy: shaping the future

                  Discussions at this year’s Annual Conference for the Friends of Aspen centered on the long-term economic priority of sustainable development for future generations, viewed as an important strategic objective at the macro level for individual national economies, and at the micro level for companies and other market players. It was noted that various competing economic models aimed at achieving this goal are emerging, including the sharing economy, the civil economy, and the positive economy.

                • Rome
                • 20 May 2015

                  Markets, competition, rules: Italy, Europe, and everyone else

                    Antitrust regulations take a truly dynamic approach to the issue in question.  They adapt to the continual evolution of the markets, and objectives evolve with time.  Globalization and the international crisis are both factors that have a significant effect on competition. The original inspiration behind America’s 1890 Sherman Act has more-or-less been forgotten but its objective, in fact, was to protect small businesses from “the giants”.

                  • Rome
                  • 29 June 2014

                    The next frontiers: tapping the potential of our economies

                      Launching discussions at this World Economy Conference was an acknowledgement by those in attendance that the recovery from the economic crisis of recent years has been particularly slow in historical terms, with the most recent figures confirming fears of a further possible slowdown. This global scenario was seen as a fortiori necessitating that growth be considered a top priority for Europe during Italy’s current 6-month-long presidency of the Council of the EU.

                    • Milan
                    • 16 July 2014

                      Joint meeting between the Friends of Aspen and the Aspen Junior Fellows – Topic: the “World Economy” international conference

                        The three issues explored at the recent Aspen International Conference event – the “World Economy Dialogue” held in Rome on June 30, 2014 – were the subject of discussion at this first joint meeting of the Friends of Aspen and Aspen Junior Fellows. The resources to be called upon for the global recovery, the energy challenge facing Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa as a frontier for global growth hence provided the guiding framework for a debate informed by the specific profile of those in attendance, namely, entrepreneurs and young people.

                      • Rome
                      • 15 January 2014

                        Challenges for Italy’s start‐ups and the US market: innovation, technology, capital

                          Participants at this Aspen Italia National Interest event recognized from the outset of their discussions the crucial role that start-ups could – given the right conditions – play in increasing Italy’s economic competitiveness. The formation of new businesses in highly innovative sectors was acknowledged as not only helping to renew the economic fabric of the country, by opening up new market niches, but also as offering opportunities to younger workers, a group heavily penalized by the current crisis.

                        • Rome
                        • 19 March 2014

                          Of virtue and necessity: privatization to spur growth in Italy

                            Proceedings at this national roundtable got underway with participants observing that Italy periodically looks to privatization as a means to restoring the fragile fortunes of its public finances. Yet while the increasingly straitened condition of these finances is what gives rise, from time to time, to the need to engage in such sell-offs, privatization cannot and should not merely entail a quick grab for cash. Indeed, the roundtable saw a number of different aspects of privatization discussed.

                          • Milan
                          • 10 November 2014

                            Expo 2015: Italy’s food and agriculture industry and global markets

                              Kick-starting discussions at this national conference was the observation that with a turnover of 132 billion euro and a workforce of 385,000 people, the food industry confirmed its position in 2013 as a leading sector of the Italian economy, holding up well against cyclical pressures despite the difficulties.

                            • Milan
                            • 20 October 2014

                              Helping Italian SMEs compete on global markets

                                Kick-starting this national roundtable event was the observation that the question of the competitiveness of Italian firms in global markets can be summed up in the indisputable if somewhat simplified proposition that while exports alone are not enough to get by on, they are nevertheless vital for survival. It was noted that the longstanding issue of the internationalization of Italian SMEs has been a subject of public debate for decades, in parallel with the escalation of globalization and the technological revolution.

                              • Rome
                              • 23 October 2013

                                Charity and the global economy: in search of a new model

                                  Discussions at this national roundtable session got underway with the opening premise that the economic crisis and its social consequences have profoundly called into question the prevailing economic paradigm – a model based on competitive individualism, maximizing the profit of the individual, and an “invisible hand” regulating the market. The result is that the idea of the common interest merely being the sum of individual interests no longer seems sustainable in the current economic and social climate.

                                • Milan
                                • 18 March 2013

                                  A multidisciplinary culture to build a new future: knowledge, capacity to change, responsibility

                                    Discussions at this roundtable got underway with the observation that five years of crisis – triggered by the collapse of the financial sector and constantly compounded by (public and private) financial difficulties – have forced a rethink of the role of industry, which is now called on once again to become an engine of growth. Indeed, the need for a different economic vision, one which combines the kind of tangible and intangible values needed to kick-start new sustainable growth – has seen the production system return to center stage.

                                  • Rome
                                  • 28 November 2013

                                    The digital agenda and the financial sector

                                      Proceedings at this National Conference got underway with the observation that the ICT industry characterizes and defines the age we live in. The spread of digital technology has led to a radical sea change in the economic system that is perhaps yet to be fully grasped. The profound and complex changes that this has given rise to in a number of spheres of endeavor are often perceived as a threat in Italy, due to the devastating effects they are having on the status quo, on centers of power, on existing organizational structures, and on employment.

                                    • Rome
                                    • 16 December 2013

                                      Generation Y and the employment challenge

                                        At this event to discuss the latest issue of the Aspenia journal, it was observed that growth and jobs figures continue to deliver an undeniably worrying outlook for Europe, and Italy in particular. The Italian economy is still losing jobs, especially positions for young people, while the recovery is set to be slow (and uneven as between different parts of the country), with the expected increase in job opportunities falling below GDP growth.

                                      • Rome
                                      • 29 January 2013

                                        Italy’s tax police and financial markets. Preventing crimes to ensure economic stability

                                          This Aspen Junior Fellows meeting and debate session got underway with the observation that the importance of protecting the public economic order is underlined by the challenges currently faced by Italy in the public finance arena, which have impacted on the country’s development and its citizens’ standard of living. It was stressed that, in a modern economy, the value of lawfulness needs to be affirmed through regulatory certainty and high-quality rules, backed up by effective enforcement mechanisms.