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  • Venice
  • 22 May 2015

    Demographics and migration in Europe: multiple challenges for complex societies

      The global imbalances reflected in demographic trends, in terms of  economic and safety levels, are huge, and must be considered as a central factor in devising any realistic  policy options.  Whatever happens, there will be waves of migrants heading for Europe, as well as North America and the other wealthy countries in the world, with numbers undoubtedly increasing whenever there are any major conflicts underway.  Faced with this reality and given the difference in the number of young workers compared to pensioners and the overall burden of the continent’s welfare syst

    • Rome
    • 29 June 2014

      The next frontiers: tapping the potential of our economies

        Launching discussions at this World Economy Conference was an acknowledgement by those in attendance that the recovery from the economic crisis of recent years has been particularly slow in historical terms, with the most recent figures confirming fears of a further possible slowdown. This global scenario was seen as a fortiori necessitating that growth be considered a top priority for Europe during Italy’s current 6-month-long presidency of the Council of the EU.

      • Milan
      • 16 July 2014

        Joint meeting between the Friends of Aspen and the Aspen Junior Fellows – Topic: the “World Economy” international conference

          The three issues explored at the recent Aspen International Conference event – the “World Economy Dialogue” held in Rome on June 30, 2014 – were the subject of discussion at this first joint meeting of the Friends of Aspen and Aspen Junior Fellows. The resources to be called upon for the global recovery, the energy challenge facing Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa as a frontier for global growth hence provided the guiding framework for a debate informed by the specific profile of those in attendance, namely, entrepreneurs and young people.