New jobs and new training can form a virtuous cycle in which the market’s demand for innovative professional figures fuels the demand for training, which in turn generates new work profiles. The pandemic has hastened the switch to digital, the main driver of innovation in professional and training sectors alike. The positive global response of users and students to the experience of new distance learning formats is proof of a true paradigm shift. New training technologies are also changing how these actors interface, centering on the role of large technological groups and firms and encouraging universities to enhance their added value as hubs for training and research.
Frontline technologies from artificial intelligence to the Metaverse promise new opportunities and new instruments geared to flexible as well as targeted and customized learning. Nevertheless, managing the digital revolution, by nature unpredictable and irreversible and whose effects are pervasive, is going to take more than just better technical training. Humanistic skills are becoming increasingly pivotal to the new professional profiles in demand by advanced sectors, and training is becoming more and more multidisciplinary and capable of ensuring the mental agility and skills necessary to confront future and continuing changes in the work world.
Multidisciplinary careers are already capable of offering better job opportunities in Italy. These opportunities are important not only for young people but also for a range of other sectors, starting with the public administration, which employs over half of all Italian university graduates and has an urgent need to innovate at the level of skills.
Ramping up investments in innovation and training must not, however, obscure the unresolved problems of the Italian educational system, starting with the school and university drop-out problem and women’s limited access to scientific careers. The goal of the educational system must be to reinforce not only basic knowledge but also to innovate at the level of methodology; indeed, the world’s growing complexity calls not only for capacity to adapt but also for the ability to anticipate change.
Such efforts at the level of educational institutions and economic actors involved in professional training must also include the tertiary sector. Here banking institutions can provide leadership, having already demonstrated their ability to promote grass-roots educational projects that involve teachers, students and the entire educational community. The additional challenge is to turn all successful experiences into shared wealth; only in this way can change become a pervasive and transformative driver of development that benefits the country’s society and its economy.