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International Conference

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 10 December 2021

    Aspen Italy/France Forum

      Italy and France have solid relations built on a common history of strong economic and cultural ties. An important addition to those relations is the Quirinale Treaty signed in Rome on November 26. This strengthening of bilateral cooperation is crucial, in the first place, to the future of European economic governance. In the coming months, fiscal policy rules will be written into a revised Stability and Growth Pact within the framework of the French EU presidency. New rules on State Aid will also be outlined along with a framework of reforms needed to make the continent more competitive.

    • Meeting in digital format
    • 24 March 2021

      Assessing risk: intersection of global economy and geopolitics

        The years 2020-2021 have inevitably been dominated by the pandemic crisis, which is still generating uncertainties on an enormous scale, both directly in terms of the prospects of economic recovery, and indirectly due to the social and political repercussions, some of which may bring highly significant medium- and long-term geopolitical consequences. Here are the main points that emerged in our discussion – not always in unanimous form – among the participants, which we consider to be the key takeaways:

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 26 November 2020

        Aspen Forum Italy/France

          What were already solid Italian-French relations have become even stronger as the two nations have confronted the challenges posed by the pandemic, the first and most restrictive of these having had to do with the second wave. The continuous coordination France and Italy have set in motion is emblematic of the unified European reaction that followed an initial lack of cooperation during the first phase of the emergency. Today’s joint European efforts on a vaccine is proof that the Union can play a decisive role in this crisis, with benefits across its entire membership.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 13 May 2021

          The challenge of pandemic under-preparedness: the size of the problem, its impact and the best strategies for efficient health systems

            The Covid-19 pandemic has ramped up the pressure on healthcare systems around the world, burdening already limited resources and existing capabilities. In order to ensure the quality and efficiency of services for all, healthcare systems need to build and improve their ability to be prepared for crises, while at the same time enhancing their essential primary functions. The discussion touched on the crucial aspects to be considered in making systems more efficient by reinforcing prevention.

          • Venice
          • 24 September 2021

            Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

              On September 24-25, 2021 Aspen Institute Italia, TIM and Intesa Sanpaolo organized the international conference “Ethics and Artificial Intelligence”, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and with the cooperation of Aspen Institute Germany, Institut Aspen France and the Academy of Sciences of Bologna Institute.

            • Meeting in digital format
            • 9 July 2020

              The Europe-Russia Forum

                The dialogue between the EU and Russia has practically come to a halt over the past few years, for various reasons. Official EU policy includes the concept of “selective engagement”, which now presents an opportunity in light of relevant common interests in the context of the growing US-China clash. All EU members and Russia favour a continuation of the multilateral system in key areas, such as international trade and technological cooperation – the latter having become a precondition for effective policies in almost any sector.

              • Rome
              • 3 October 2019

                Women empowerment, financial inclusion and sustainable development: public choices and private partnership

                  The empowerment of women calls for a combination of measures capable of invoking the Sustainable Development Goals and their social, economic and environmental dimension; and in equal measure the financial dimension, which is gaining growing importance in this contemporary world and where women are under-represented. What is needed are policies and actions aimed at a sustainable finance sector that sees women as essential players in economic growth and, even more importantly, in all aspects that regard inclusion.

                • Tel Aviv
                • 24 November 2019

                  The tech revolution and the future of business

                    The globalization trends of the last two decades and the resulting interdependence between countries, from trade to technological infrastructure, imply that any disruption to business activities can have consequences on a global scale. The latest geopolitical tensions suggest that such disruptions can derive from conventional measures, most recently through the imposition of bilateral tariffs, or from unconventional ones – such as cyberattacks.

                  • Rome
                  • 27 November 2019

                    The US economy and its global impact: internal trends, trade tentions and alliance management

                      The global economic picture is raising concerns over the (partially synchronized) slowdown being observed in various regions and the uncertainty caused by trade tensions, resulting in a mix of cyclical economic factors, financial concerns (fiscal and monetary policies, debt amount) and geopolitical issues with a pronounced technological dimension. United States and European policies can determine what instruments will be adopted to address these challenges as well as long-term transatlantic cohesion.