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Listening to the Word

    • Milan
    • 17 September 2007

          This roundtable was born of a bitter truth: in this era of communication, talking and listening – which should be the pillars of our interpersonal relations – are considered less important than looking. Dialogue is no longer a balanced and respectful form of interaction, as it should be between two speaking individuals. Everyday relations in the workplace are an example: those higher up in the hierarchy often forget that they are surrounded by valid elements, by thinking human beings who are worth listening to. Participants agreed that today images often replace words. More attractive and easy to use, they help explain why young people do not read as much as they used to. Sadly, schools and families seem resigned to this fate. But, at the same time, participants stressed the importance of rediscovering the power of the word, and of attentive listening: true communication means an exchange, interaction, harmony and cacophony, understanding and misunderstanding. Communication is not just a series of images that stream before passive eyes.

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