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Roundtable Former Aspen Junior Fellows

  • Rome
  • 6 February 2013

    Does Italy need to be re‐industrialized? Models and methods to improve competitiveness

      Serving as an opening premise for this meeting of the Former Aspen Junior Fellows was the observation that after years or even decades of being sidelined in economic and political debate, the issue of manufacturing development has made a comeback on the international policymaking scene. Many developed economies have long looked on – passively and sometimes even with a certain smugness – as national manufacturing industries declined, in the belief that the main engine of the economy was, and would increasingly become, the advanced services sector.

    • Rome
    • 22 May 2012

      Competing on international markets: economic challenges for businesses and professionals

        It was observed at this meeting of Former Aspen Junior Fellows that Italy’s current prime objective is economic development. To aid recovery, the country must make the most of every resource at its disposal. In addition to firms, institutions and social partners, this joint undertaking was also requiring the involvement of professionals, who contribute 15% of GDP and represent nearly two and a half million highly-skilled individuals, of whom one-third are between 30 and 40 years of age and a significant proportion are female.

      • Rome
      • 29 November 2011

        Leadership: new models and values to enhance competitiveness

          The discussion at this meeting of the Former Aspen Junior Fellows got underway with the observation that leadership, unlike management, is not a matter of technique. It is thus a rare quality, and, in the view of some the participants, difficult to instill. Nevertheless, by anticipating the future and capitalizing on past experience, leadership is crucial for progress. The historically-enduring values of leadership are well-recognized, namely: credibility, integrity and responsibility.