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  • New York
  • 10 February 2015

    Italy: we are open for business

      Firm grounds for optimism clouded by fears of old: this was the sentiment most repeated throughout the debate at the third “Italy meets the United States of America” Summit in New York, with this year’s edition entitled “Italy: we are open for business”. The event, organized by the Italian Business & Investment Initiative, Aspen Institute Italia, and the Council for Relations between Italy and the United States, was aimed at illustrating to US investors the opportunities offered by Italy for incoming and outgoing investment.

    • Turin
    • 14 November 2014

      The next industrial revolution. Manufacturing and society in the XXI century

        Serving as the opening premise for proceedings at this session of the Aspen Transatlantic Dialogue was the observation that productivity, not employment, will be the engine of the next industrial revolution, and that, despite the difficulties stemming from the prolonged crisis, the anti-decline camp has ample justification for envisioning a future in which manufacturing and industry will continue to play a central role. It was stressed, however, that they can only play such a role by undergoing transformation.

      • New York
      • 28 February 2014

        The economic future of Europe and the US, the TTIP implications and investment opportunities in Italy

          Organized in collaboration with the Italian Business & Investment Initiative, this international workshop highlighted a renewed openness towards investing in Italy precisely because it possesses – albeit frequently not well-known – assets of interest to investors. It was stressed, however, that implementing (not merely announcing or adopting) reforms, and providing certainty, consistency and a business-friendly environment, remain the real challenges to overcome, as there is fierce competition between nations to attract foreign investment.

        • Venice
        • 4 October 2013

          Pivot to Europe: options for a new Atlantic century

            At this latest edition of the Aspen Transatlantic Dialogue, the participants pointed to recent developments in the United States – with the at-least partial “shutdown” of federal government operations – as highlighting the multiple dysfunction of political systems on both sides of the Atlantic. It was noted that, in the midst of an economic recovery that is uncertain, in some respects fragile, and unquestionably asymmetric (both as between different sectors and between different countries), the efficiency of government decision-making becomes crucial.

          • Venice
          • 5 March 2010

            Back to the fertile crescent: the Middle East, Europe and the US

              The Middle East is an increasingly diverse region where very old problems coexist with genuine opportunities for renewal and socio-economic progress. A powerful driver of change has become the Gulf, thanks to very large financial resources and a willingness to invest in the neighboring countries – as well as beyond, with a special emphasis on East Asia.

            • Berlin
            • 17 April 2009

              Europe on the edge: the weak links and the Russia link

                The current economic crisis is subjecting the entire “EU system” to conflicting pressures. On the one hand, the search for a synergistic and coordinated approach to economic policies would undoubtedly be facilitated if its joint institutions were performing well.

              • Rome
              • 20 January 2015

                Future energy. New sources and new markets for the US and Europe

                  The panel discussion for the launch of Aspenia 67 focused on the – if not insurmountable, then certainly worrying – energy gap that has arisen between the United States and Europe. On one side is the United States, which has almost achieved energy self-sufficiency thanks to its growing production of shale gas, and on the other is Europe, a sluggish continent which lacks coordinated infrastructure and a common regulatory framework, and which is exposed to serious geopolitical risks to the East (Russia and Ukraine) as well as to the South (the Maghreb and the countries of North Africa).

                • Milan
                • 9 July 2015

                  Aspen at Expo – The case for TTIP: how, when, what?

                    Trade agreements, particularly those between Europe and the US (TTIP: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), provide a huge opportunity for development and growth and are therefore so much more than a potential risk. The European Commission’s agenda is very ambitious.

                  • Rome
                  • 6 November 2014

                    The US midterm elections: results and analysis

                      This talk-debate session focused on the Republican victory in the recent US midterm elections, heralded as unquestionably significant in terms of both numbers and scale. President Obama is potentially up against both the House of Representatives and the Senate – a circumstance that is certainly nothing new in  the American political system. Indeed, in the last sixty years, Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson were the only presidents not forced to contend with a “divided government”, making the latter an established institutional tradition of politics across the pond.

                    • Milan
                    • 27 January 2014

                      The new Italian manufacturing: American and Asian models

                        The manufacturing sector has changed considerably over recent years across the entire globe, and Italy too has undergone some very profound adjustments. But while every advanced country, with the exception of Germany, has lost major chunks of the manufacturing export market, a gradual upgrade and redistribution process has kept Italian manufacturing competitive despite a steep drop in domestic demand, and Italian sector firms have lost a smaller share than those of other more mature economies.

                      • Rome
                      • 29 June 2014

                        The next frontiers: tapping the potential of our economies

                          Launching discussions at this World Economy Conference was an acknowledgement by those in attendance that the recovery from the economic crisis of recent years has been particularly slow in historical terms, with the most recent figures confirming fears of a further possible slowdown. This global scenario was seen as a fortiori necessitating that growth be considered a top priority for Europe during Italy’s current 6-month-long presidency of the Council of the EU.

                        • Milan
                        • 16 July 2014

                          Joint meeting between the Friends of Aspen and the Aspen Junior Fellows – Topic: the “World Economy” international conference

                            The three issues explored at the recent Aspen International Conference event – the “World Economy Dialogue” held in Rome on June 30, 2014 – were the subject of discussion at this first joint meeting of the Friends of Aspen and Aspen Junior Fellows. The resources to be called upon for the global recovery, the energy challenge facing Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa as a frontier for global growth hence provided the guiding framework for a debate informed by the specific profile of those in attendance, namely, entrepreneurs and young people.

                          • Rome
                          • 5 February 2013

                            The two Americas: prospects for economic recovery

                              At this event to launch the latest edition of Aspenia, the focus of debate was the fact that diverging trends in the world’s major economies have been made more patent than ever before by the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, and which, particularly in Europe, has since transformed into a sovereign debt crisis. Chief among these divergences are the almost opposite trajectories of emerging markets compared to those of traditionally advanced economies, the divide between Europe and the United States, and glaring disparities within the European Union.

                            • Milan
                            • 30 January 2012

                              2012: the American gamble

                                At this Talk-Debate event organized in conjunction with ISPI to launch the latest edition of Aspenia, the members of the discussion panel underlined that 2012 is set to be a crucial year for the United States: not only a year in which anti-Obama sentiment and the presidential elections will play out, but also a period vital to understanding what America’s economic and political future holds. The economy, as in the days of Bill Clinton, will probably be the decisive issue.

                              • Rome
                              • 30 November 2012

                                China, Europe, United States: the global adjustment

                                  Opening proceedings at this International Workshop was the observation that complex challenges lie ahead for the world’s three major economic engines, namely China, Europe, and the United States. These challenges stem from the slowdown in global growth and the partial readjustment that this has entailed, but they are also the result of the various internal contradictions or inefficiencies from which each of these players suffers. Indeed, it was stressed that their main policy and institutional choices cannot be separated from those of an economic nature.

                                • Rome
                                • 14 November 2012

                                  America after the vote. Taxation and representation

                                    The starting premise for this talk-debate was that the outcome of the recent US presidential elections confirms that social and demographic factors are instrumental in shaping the political atmosphere of the country. In particular, the Democrats were able to tap into support from segments of the electorate that are more dynamic in both an ethno-cultural and generational sense, owing to their deftness in exploiting new communications technologies.

                                  • Florence
                                  • 18 November 2011

                                    The post growth West? The debt crisis and the shift to new drivers

                                      Three major issues stand out in the list of challenges currently facing the Western world: (1) medium-term trends in the global economy, with special focus on new sources of growth, rebalancing and decoupling; (2) the European debt crisis, its outlook and possible solutions; and (3) green energy as a growth driver.

                                    • Milan
                                    • 25 January 2011

                                      Security in the age of austerity

                                        The members of the debate panel at the launch of the latest edition of Aspenia considered what the future holds for the Obama presidency, observing that the US leader’s State of the Union address for 2011 also virtually marked the beginning of his long race for re-election. It was noted that the President’s popularity has recently received a boost both from his response to the massacre in Tucson at the beginning of January, and from the tax deal reached with Republicans at the end of last year.

                                      • Venice
                                      • 27 October 2011

                                        China-Europe-U.S. Trialogue Second meeting

                                          The second meeting of the Trialogue series focused on the issues of global economic governance (with special attention to the role of the G20), trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific links in the security field, and instability in the Middle East region with its possible implications.

                                        • Beijing
                                        • 2 December 2010

                                          China, Europe, U.S. Trialogue

                                            Aspen Institute Italia organized the “China, Europe, U.S. Trialogue” jointly with Aspen USA and the Central School of the Communist Party, in cooperation with the Fondazione Italia Cina, on December 2-3 in Beijing.