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expo 2015

  • Milan
  • 8 July 2015

    Aspen at Expo – Women, science and sustainable development

      The key to sustainable development is not only an effective partnership between government, civil society and the private sector, but also a scientific approach. Science and technology are fundamental in generating the knowledge necessary to sustainably resolve today’s most pressing problems. And they are especially important when seen from a global viewpoint, as today’s problems are global problems, as well as from a gender perspective.

    • Milan
    • 8 July 2015

      Aspen at Expo – The role of nutrition in future health: the gender challenge

        The intersection between women, nutrition and health is undeniable. Women are the food matrons of the world as in most cases they are the ones who purchase and prepare what families eat. They are also the world’s caregivers, meaning they are typically the ones who look after children, the elderly and the sick. Despite this women are also the most food insecure and make up the majority of the world’s patient population, though they have the least access to healthcare.

      • Milan
      • 10 July 2015

        Aspen at Expo – Investing in innovation: women and technologies

          It is women who underestimate their abilities, don’t ask for anything and often put up with a less important job than they are capable of. And yet according to many statistical studies, they are more competent, better prepared, have higher university grades and are better managers. It is true to say that women are more versatile and flexible and they play a key role in integrating the various elements of society.

        • Milan
        • 9 July 2015

          Aspen at Expo – The case for TTIP: how, when, what?

            Trade agreements, particularly those between Europe and the US (TTIP: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), provide a huge opportunity for development and growth and are therefore so much more than a potential risk. The European Commission’s agenda is very ambitious.

          • Milan
          • 8 July 2015

            Aspen at Expo – A conversation on human mind and innovation

              By way of setting the tone for this International Workshop, figures were cited showing that, in 2014, 350 million PCs and 320 million tablets were sold, and that, in the next five years, there will be some 200 billion web-connected devices. The latest devices – it was observed – are able to learn our needs and preferences, enabling increasingly personalized feedback, with artificial intelligence continuing to make great leaps forward. It was stressed, however, that it is not just machines that are learning from people – humans too have ended up being shaped by their devices.

            • Milan
            • 9 July 2015

              Aspen at Expo – Agribusiness and trade: friends or foes?

                Kicking off proceedings at this international workshop was the observation that agricultural market growth is once again the focus of world attention. Consumer prices for food products are rising, and sudden fluctuations in the cost of agricultural commodities are set to become more frequent in the short term. After a period of abundance, the world risks an era of food shortages, due to factors such as demographic shifts, climate change, growing global health problems, and an inadequate distribution of wealth.

              • Pavia
              • 9 July 2015

                Aspen at Expo – Science and individual health

                  These days, the world of health is facing a revolution that does not only concern medicine but also includes a broad range of disciplines and many aspects of daily life.  Demographic tendencies, the evolution of research and the strategic use of “big data” are bringing about a sea change in the existing model of individual care.

                • Milan
                • 8 July 2015

                  Aspen at Expo – Clean cooking solutions for health and sustainability

                    Everyone likes to eat food cooked on the barbecue, but whilst in the western world, it is part and parcel of a convivial habit, often linked to a celebration of some sort, in Africa and Asia it is one of the main causes of death.  It is also a sign of inequality and the cause of environmental damage, and yet is a problem that few have heard of.

                  • Milan
                  • 23 October 2014

                    Smart cities, technology and sustainability. The challenge of Expo 2015

                      With issue 66 of the Institute’s Aspenia journal spotlighting, among other things, the Expo 2015 world’s fair to be held in Milan, the panel discussion for the launch of the volume examined the legacy of hosting such a global event. As a showcase of the best that the country has to offer, it was suggested that the event will not just have the admirable outcome of focusing international political debate on the world food problem and food security, but will also serve as a strategic litmus test for the city of Milan and its ambition to become an “ever-smarter city”.