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Information, Democracy and Communications Systems

    • Taormina
    • 14 October 2005

          The seminar on “Information, Democracy and Communications Systems”, held as part of the Aspen Seminars for Leaders program, explored the delicate state of relationships in modern society that link economic policy and communications media. For there to be a correct balance between these crucial elements of a modern democracy, there needs to be a reliable and free media, without moves towards media concentration or excessively close ties with those wielding power. A key issue discussed was also the “new media” revolution which has spelt the end of passive users. Businesses, platforms and content must take into account consumers who know how to and are able to choose, who redefine the boundaries for business beyond which the old industry models no longer apply and who can, ultimately, create their own personal list of favorites and source their information, albeit unsystematically, from what are these days very widespread blogs acting as a kind of social and political antidote to the uniformity of information. Despite being faced with rapid change in communications media, the importance of the role of the journalist as a mediator was nevertheless acknowledged. The desire for a return to the kind of investigative journalism which once leant much credence to the profession was also reiterated.

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