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The future of cities and territories

  • Meeting in digital format
  • 5 February 2021

    Post-pandemic cities: urban development and hierarchies

      Cities are an essential element in the history of humanity. First appearing approximately 10,000 years ago, they have survived an infinity of catastrophic events and managed to regroup and carry on developing. While the Covid pandemic is not the first event of its kind to affect that development, it does represent a turning point for urban areas by calling into question their role as the nerve centers of a global network.

    • Meeting in digital format
    • 14 April 2021

      Post pandemic mobility: flexible, integrated, sustainable

        Mobility is one of the key concerns in the post-Covid recovery. The pandemic that has forced millions to stay at home for extended periods of time has surely changed habits, and the consequences of this are likely to last well into the future. This is true both from the standpoint of work arrangements – with companies already predicting significant future reductions in hours spent in the office – and with regards to leisure activity and consumption. Flexibility in the use of public spaces and an increased dependence on home deliveries are becoming part of the new normal.

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 14 May 2021

        Infrastructure for smart and resilient cities

          The Smart City is an urban model that for some time now has been studied and applied in various parts of the world. The ecological and digital transitions that will be guiding the post-pandemic recovery, however, make investing in this model even more important. The emergency associated with the spread of the virus has highlighted how the possession and best use of data – i.e. the intelligence of a given urban area – are key to ensuring not only cities’ recovery but also their resilience in the face of possible future adversity.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 7 June 2021

          Urban renewal: physical and psychological well-being in cities

            The post-pandemic recovery, along with a rising awareness of the need for ecological and digital transitions, are speeding up urban renewal. Ongoing transformations are made more complex by the profound changes ushered in by new technologies and their pivotal importance during periods of social distancing. The most important of these is surely an exponential increase in the use of teleworking, which has altered urban geographies and set a new tipping point between real and virtual.