The second issue of Aspenia international for the year 2024 focuses on the European Union in today’s global geopolitical scenario. It comes out just as Ursula von der Leyen begins her second term as Commission president. She has her work cut out for her as the turmoil surrounding Europe leaks into her administration and affects the lives of all Europeans. As ever, the articles published in the English-language edition of Aspenia are drawn from the previous two issues in Italian and – as ever – the world keeps turning as those articles are translated, edited and laid out for publication. So Assad’s fall and the collapse of governments in both France and Germany happened after the issue had already gone to print, but we did succeed in including an original article by Eric Schnurer on the election results in the United States, at the last minute. The debate is open on whether Trump’s comeback will make things better or worse for the EU, but to be sure the world’s superpower is undergoing a dramatic transformation and the ramifications of such change will be felt by countries – by their governments and by their people – all over.
This issue of Aspenia provides insightful analysis into transatlantic economics, as authors consider crises and their solutions. It also delves into military capabilities and the investment necessary to bolster the same in Europe, as America looks set to withdraw from various commitments on the continent. Authors consider the very survival of the Union, as it enters into a sort of “existential crisis”, to quote former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. One thing everyone calls for is an honest assessment of the job at hand, and more effective leadership in carrying it out. It is time for Europeans to take charge of their own destiny, to confront today’s many challenges with greater determination and to deal with the continent’s various limitations. Basically, it is a matter of shouldering greater direct responsibility, and promptly. Delegating is no longer an option.