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economic crisis

  • Berlin
  • 17 April 2009

    Europe on the edge: the weak links and the Russia link

      The current economic crisis is subjecting the entire “EU system” to conflicting pressures. On the one hand, the search for a synergistic and coordinated approach to economic policies would undoubtedly be facilitated if its joint institutions were performing well.

    • Rome
    • 23 October 2013

      Charity and the global economy: in search of a new model

        Discussions at this national roundtable session got underway with the opening premise that the economic crisis and its social consequences have profoundly called into question the prevailing economic paradigm – a model based on competitive individualism, maximizing the profit of the individual, and an “invisible hand” regulating the market. The result is that the idea of the common interest merely being the sum of individual interests no longer seems sustainable in the current economic and social climate.

      • Rome
      • 5 February 2013

        The two Americas: prospects for economic recovery

          At this event to launch the latest edition of Aspenia, the focus of debate was the fact that diverging trends in the world’s major economies have been made more patent than ever before by the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, and which, particularly in Europe, has since transformed into a sovereign debt crisis. Chief among these divergences are the almost opposite trajectories of emerging markets compared to those of traditionally advanced economies, the divide between Europe and the United States, and glaring disparities within the European Union.

        • Milan
        • 7 October 2013

          Banks and the real economy: rethinking roles, responsibilities and rules

            Attendees at this National Conference examining the Italian banking sector noted that, according to economic theory, the financial system has a fundamental role to play in intermediating savings, allowing an efficient allocation of capital with consequent gains in productivity and wellbeing for the entire economy. In the recent past, however, this primary function has been compounded by others that have contributed to a distortion of the financial sector’s role and its relationship with the real economy.

          • Milan
          • 24 September 2012

            The banking sector and industry: creating a virtuous cycle to stimulate Italy’s real economy

              Kicking off discussions at this national conference was the observation that the current financial crisis, evidently systemic in nature, is predominantly being shaped at this stage by perceived risk factors linked to vulnerabilities in the real economy and the banking system. Efforts in the political, economic and monetary arenas – both at national and European levels – seem to have eased speculative pressures on the markets and tentatively restored international investor confidence.

            • Milan
            • 16 July 2012

              Beyond growth: in search of a new and sustainable development

                At this national roundtable dedicated to the quest for a sustainable development model, it was noted by way of preface that overcoming the crisis and returning to past growth is the outlook – or imperative, hope or delusion, depending on your point of view – which has dominated public debate, analyses, scenarios and action plans in Western countries in recent years.

              • Berlin
              • 28 September 2012

                The Eurozone’s path: the Union between reality and aspiration

                  The current financial crisis has thrown into sharp relief the close links that exist between monetary policy, the banking sector, sovereign debt, and serious imbalances within the Eurozone. The vehemence and longevity of the crisis have called into question the very political structure of the European Union as well as its institutional architecture, both in need of modification through a more rigorous application of existing rules, but also by means of the assignment of new responsibilities and the creation of new mechanisms.

                • Rome
                • 9 November 2012

                  The future of Europe: creating and distributing new values, beating the crisis

                    As Altiero Spinelli once observed: “Europe will not fall from the sky”, but rather needs to be built from the ground up with the involvement of everyone. These words served as the opening premise for discussions at this Aspen Junior Fellows Conference on the new challenges that will shape the cohesion and future of the European Union. On one hand, the Conference set out to address the question of the kind of new models that could guarantee prosperity and employment for all Europeans by mitigating the widening imbalances between generations.

                  • Milan
                  • 8 May 2011

                    Jobs, growth and values. Creating opportunities for new generations

                      The Dialogue session got underway with the observation that the world economic recovery has failed to alleviate the social impact of the crisis, with the improving economic situation having no appreciable effect on employment. The participants highlighted that this phenomenon affects both workers in more mature sectors – that is, those most exposed to the consequences of globalization – as well as younger people, who are just entering the labor market.

                    • Rome
                    • 26 October 2011

                      Eurobonds: the intricate relations between politics and economics

                        Discussions at this national roundtable session got underway with the observation that the idea of introducing European public debt securities – or so-called Eurobonds – is not a new one: indeed, it dates back to 1993 when Jacques Delors proposed, albeit in embryonic form, the issuance of European bonds to finance investment in European Community infrastructure.

                      • Rome
                      • 10 October 2011

                        China and the European crisis

                          This international roundtable, which saw the participation of a delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, provided an opportunity to discuss developments in the euro crisis and China’s views regarding the same. The core issue debated regarded the nature of the crisis and the motives behind the speculative attacks against certain countries.

                        • Florence
                        • 18 November 2011

                          The post growth West? The debt crisis and the shift to new drivers

                            Three major issues stand out in the list of challenges currently facing the Western world: (1) medium-term trends in the global economy, with special focus on new sources of growth, rebalancing and decoupling; (2) the European debt crisis, its outlook and possible solutions; and (3) green energy as a growth driver.

                          • Berlin
                          • 29 April 2010

                            Europe in the G-20 world

                              The Conference got underway with a general discussion on a fundamental question: in the new world order, is Europe’s importance destined to wane – no matter what? Leaving aside the impact of major international trends (such as demographic changes), which have reduced the relative influence of the EU in objective terms, the participants pointed to various internal factors as constituting constraints on Europe’s potential. First and foremost of these is the difficulty of reconciling the sovereignty of the various Member States with the authority of Brussels.

                            • Rome
                            • 13 October 2010

                              Western democracies under pressure

                                The members of the first panel analyzed the multiple repercussions of the crisis that began in 2008 on the Western economies, as well as on their political systems and societies. The impact has been profound, putting in question the growth model and the sustainability of the welfare state in its current forms. Major tensions have also emerged between short term needs – such as the bailouts – and longer term goals. The very close link between modern states and capitalism, which in the Western world is captured by the expression “market democracy”, has become more evident than in the past.

                              • Rome
                              • 7 June 2010

                                Looking to tomorrow: for a youthful future

                                  The event was introduced by the reflection on presentism, or the lack of collective attention in a country overly concerned with the present and which is losing its strategic vision. Presentism is the product of “real time” which has been brought on by technological advancement. Faced with weighing benefits in terms of quality of information and the growth of opportunities, the present has expanded and it has taken over our past and future. In this way, in economic terms, the world financial crisis came about due to an excessive focus on the short term.

                                • Naples
                                • 14 May 2010

                                  Pulling through the financial crisis and supporting the real economy

                                    The last minute lifeline thrown to Greece to keep it from possible default opened a series of urgent questions on the future of the single currency, Europe as a political entity and, more in general, the relationship between finance and the real economy. The crisis concerned not only the precarious economic and social situation of Greece – which will inevitably have to pass through a period of deep-seated and predictably painful restructuring. It also shed light on the series of actions that should be taken to prevent possible contagion with other European countries.

                                  • Naples
                                  • 14 May 2010

                                    New paradigms of development: values, work, sustainable growth

                                      After the crisis, a new paradigm of development is emerging: more solid, anchored to shared values and projected to the construction of a future beyond the ordinary handling of the emergency. Over recent months, there has been discussion on the wave of moderate optimism brought on by commentators and economists, with figures in hand, to pronounce the imminent end of the economic and financial storm that occurred after 2008.

                                    • Naples
                                    • 14 May 2010

                                      The economics of Energy. From traditional to renewable growth drivers

                                        The global economic crisis is reshaping the energy system in a fundamental way, as extraordinary events have occurred in a very short time span. Six issues appear the most crucial in the current context: i) the discovery of shale gas, a transformational event which was also a consequence of high natural gas prices. According to a recent account, this discovery could potentially turn the US into a permanent net exporter, with dramatic implications on the market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) which now seeks markets when global demand is contracting.

                                      • Milan
                                      • 26 July 2010

                                        New international strategies to support Italian business

                                          The financial crisis has considerably modified the environment in which Italian firms operate. It has introduced new problems in the export sector that are related not only to structural changes in the capital markets but also to difficulties in accessing credit.