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Energy security and the national interest

    • Rome
    • 14 October 2008

          By the year 2030, worldwide energy consumption, spurred by economic development in such highly populated countries as China and India, might well be 50% greater than today’s levels. Fossil fuels will continue to play a key role and hydrocarbons will be called upon to satisfy more than half the world’s demand for energy. The concentration of oil and natural gas reserves in areas of the planet that suffer from political instability complicates the scenario. Many important questions remain on the sustainability front as far as energy supply is concerned.
          Italy is particularly susceptible to energy problems due to its heavy dependence on imported energy. Natural gas supply, in particular, comes from two countries outside the EU: Algeria and Russia control more than 60% of Italy’s supply.
          Italy’s vulnerability on the energy front calls for two simultaneous actions. The country must respond for the short term as well as the long term, guaranteeing supply while also safeguarding the environment.
          In relaunching efforts at extracting hydrocarbons on Italian soil and at developing new infrastructure – in order to diversify supply and improve the network – the country must enact urgent measures to reinforce its energy security. And to enact these measures swiftly, rules must be simplified and procedures clarified. The state must be directly involved and proactive in its decision making if the country is going to successfully deal with its energy issues.
          In the short term, consumers must become more efficient in energy use. Lower consumption is the strongest antidote to fragile energy supply in the short term. Such a change in lifestyle will also make it easier to contain greenhouse gas levels.
          In the long term, Italy’s entire energy system must be improved, in such a way as to survive swings in public opinion and changes of government. Italy must move immediately towards guaranteeing a more balanced mix in its energy supply, one that guarantees the increased use of renewable sources – from “clean coal” to nuclear energy. By making the courageous choice to relaunch homegrown nuclear energy today, and by focussing on the development of renewable energy sources, the country can not only secure its own future energy supply, but help the world’s economy and environment. Naturally, to favor the development of alternate energy sources, scientific and technological research is key.
          A National Energy Plan would inspire investment in infrastructure and in new solutions. By supporting research, above all else, Italy can provide a coherent and long-lasting solution, guaranteeing its indefinite sure and sustainable energy supply.

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