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The Aspen Women’s workshop

    Re-thinking the future of the Broader Middle East
    • Rome
    • 30 November 2006

          The workshop, a novelty for the Institute, was made up entirely of female participants of the utmost authority and prestige. Various issues were discussed: repression of women in Arab countries, social and cultural changes needed to improve conditions and strengthen the economic development of women around the world. Participants highlighted certain obstacles hindering women’s aspirations, such as diverse interpretations of Islamic law, illiteracy and, most of all, poverty. They also touched on general issues such as the chances for democracy all around the Mediterranean: even where elections are held, often the long democratic process is not very advanced. Fundamental social changes are still needed, separation of church and state is called for, education and higher learning are a must before we can speak of true democratic representation in certain areas. Globalization, privatization, technological innovation and access to capital – including microfinance – were all considered contexts that may yet permit women to take charge of their future. Finally, discussion focused on entrepreneurial skills and leadership qualities, property issues and management capabilities, competitiveness among women and the problem of quotas.

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