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Programs: “Business and Work”

  • Ricerca
  • Research

      • Meeting in digital format
      • 15 July 2020

        The international economy between globalism and nationalism. A new image for Italy

          No real global strategy or collective response against the pandemic crisis has yet emerged. Even for those who in the past have led effective coordinated responses to crises –e.g. international terrorism (2001) and the 2008-2009 financial downturn (in other words the United States) – have for the first time ever gone “missing in action”. Thus, at least at the start, it has been everyone for themselves.

        • Meeting in digital format
        • 14 July 2020

          Of pandemics and resilience. People, communities and development post Covid-19

            The pandemic has unmasked the fragility of our self-assured, globalized, skill-savvy world. Even the most economically advanced countries’ primary response to this unknown virus was a low-tech social distancing, which has necessarily foregrounded the limitations of human action and knowledge.  The Socratic paradox “I know that I do not know” encourages the kind of continuing fortification of basic research that calls for increased funding from the Italian government.

          • Meeting in digital format
          • 7 July 2020

            I nostri Anni Venti. Come uscire dalla sindrome del lockdown

              According to Ipsos data, the fears of 54% of Italians of a pandemic outbreak in April have ebbed considerably. The June data show less concern over contagion (one-third of Italians) and more over economic recession. The Covid-19 contagion peak triggered a broad sharing of values such as social cohesion, interdependence, civic sensitivity, the importance of volunteerism and a greater assumption of responsibility for social capital and faith in institutions – with the exception of the court system and the European Union.

            • Meeting in digital format
            • 6 July 2020

              For a sustainable and responsible economy: the role of finance

                Sustainability has been a concern in the financial world for some time now, with steady and significant growth over recent years in investments centered on ESG (environment, sustainability and governance) criteria. Far from slowing that trend, the Corona virus epidemic is proving an accelerator, with investors seizing on the opportunities associated with a “green” recovery and reconstruction.

              • Meeting in digital format
              • 17 June 2020

                Leadership and communications after the pandemic

                  Italy’s measured reopening after the acute stage of the pandemic has been distinguished by a steady flow of information, but that Italy has yet not learned how best to promote itself is problematic. Here’s the paradox: although rich in appeal of various sorts, the country remains incapable of making the most of its strong points.

                • Meeting in digital format
                • 27 May 2020

                  How the audiovisual industry can stimulate economic growth and social cohesion

                    The Covid-19 emergency has hit the audio-visual sector at a moment of profound transition, and has accelerated a series of trends. The lockdown has had a noteworthy impact on the production of digital content that has run parallel to a sharp rise in web use. On-demand platforms have seen a spike in subscriptions, while television networks have had to face a slump in advertising revenue with the suspension of some important sources of programming, such as sports events.

                  • Meeting in digital format
                  • 21 May 2020

                    Government, finance and business team up on economic recovery and competitiveness

                      Italia ed Europa stanno provando a superare la fase dell’emergenza legata alla pandemia di coronavirus. Si tratta di un frangente delicato in cui gli Stati, le banche e le imprese devono lavorare insieme per lasciare alle spalle la crisi e costruire una “nuova normalità”. Se in questo momento la priorità è offrire liquidità alle imprese e gli strumenti messi in campo sono le moratorie, le garanzie pubbliche e il sostegno del canale bancario, nel futuro diventerà cruciale riparare ai danni creati dal virus e sostenere la capitalizzazione delle aziende.

                    • Meeting in digital format
                    • 19 May 2020

                      Financing the recovery. Europe, Germany, Italy

                        The main thread of the meeting could be summarized in this initial question: How can political relations between two culturally similar countries like Italy and Germany be so fragile and apparently unstable despite the solid trade relationship they enjoy? The parameters of the search for an answer were broad and deep, proof of the historic breadth of an Italo-German relationship dating back to the Renaissance and marked today by the shared values and principles of the European Union.

                      • Meeting in digital format
                      • 20 April 2020

                        More and better jobs in the great global transformation

                          The future of work was the main theme of the digital panel discussion set up with the collaboration of the national council of the association of job consultants, where a paper entitled “More and better jobs in the great global transformation” was presented.

                          The discussion focused on the difficulties reviving productive activities such as services in the presence of a pandemic. Much will depend on the effectiveness of the measures adopted to ensure the survival of businesses and labor relations during the lockdown and as the recovery begins.

                        • Rome
                        • 31 January 2020

                          The future of the European economy: the new Commission’s choices

                            The European Union is confronting a series of long-term structural challenges that, nevertheless, require the immediate implementation of high impact, broad-spectrum policies. An initial issue is climate change, naturally a planet-wide concern for which Europe has already set goals, such as carbon neutrality within 2050 (which will obviously have direct effects on the energy sector).

                          • Milan
                          • 27 January 2020

                            AI: a new alliance between technology, business and society

                              The Artificial Intelligence debate, which started back in the 1950s, has become particularly topical today. The benefits of AI are recognized as undeniable but, at the same time, there is growing fear and resistance owing to the evolution of the man/machine – or subject/tool – relationship.

                            • Venice
                            • 8 March 2019

                              Assessing risk: business in global disorder

                                Prospects for the global system, in economic/financial as much as political/strategic terms, are suffering the lack of a clear-cut ordering principle. There is no doubt that the international order is changing: Fragmentation and insufficient governance are a serious risk, with the rise of problems that cannot be confronted at national, and possibly not even regional level, ranging from financial rules to big data and privacy, and from climate change to migration.

                              • Rome
                              • 27 November 2019

                                The US economy and its global impact: internal trends, trade tentions and alliance management

                                  The global economic picture is raising concerns over the (partially synchronized) slowdown being observed in various regions and the uncertainty caused by trade tensions, resulting in a mix of cyclical economic factors, financial concerns (fiscal and monetary policies, debt amount) and geopolitical issues with a pronounced technological dimension. United States and European policies can determine what instruments will be adopted to address these challenges as well as long-term transatlantic cohesion.

                                • Tel Aviv
                                • 24 November 2019

                                  The tech revolution and the future of business

                                    The globalization trends of the last two decades and the resulting interdependence between countries, from trade to technological infrastructure, imply that any disruption to business activities can have consequences on a global scale. The latest geopolitical tensions suggest that such disruptions can derive from conventional measures, most recently through the imposition of bilateral tariffs, or from unconventional ones – such as cyberattacks.

                                  • Rome
                                  • 20 November 2019

                                    The great convergence. Innovation in the energy sector and and the new economy

                                      The technological and economic convergence of electrical and gas grids will be what marks the future energy transition, and it will be up to a modern delivery system to create a more sustainable, efficient and circular energy system. The move is toward a change in the energy mix. Indeed, although 46% of electrical power is produced today from coal and nuclear, considerable growth in the use of renewable energies is expected for 2030. The most effective management of the transition, then, will mean keeping environmental and economic sustainability in mind.

                                    • Milan
                                    • 18 November 2019

                                      Foreign investments as a driver of growth in Italy

                                        Italy has great potential to attract investments but many factors still hinder the influx of foreign capital. Data on the presence of multinationals offer a mottled picture. As regards the manufacturing sector, the more important of the second ranked European industrial power, nearly 20% of employees answer to foreign multinationals, a percentage that rises to 25% in the field of mechanical engineering, the pride of the “made in Italy” brand.

                                      • Rome
                                      • 8 November 2019

                                        Aspen Junior Fellows Annual Conference – Reconciling the environment and development

                                          The 2019 annual Aspen Junior Fellows conference was dedicated to the choices that must be made to reconcile environment and development, and the importance of the time factor. As the perception of climate change spreads, the emergence of the “Greta phenomenon” and demonstrations by young people around the world demanding attention, are proof of the individual and collective ethical questions that have come to the surface and of the increasing intergenerational friction. Some doubts remain on the conclusions of some scientific analyses and related responses.

                                        • Milan
                                        • 4 November 2019

                                          Labour market: innovation and skills development

                                            The global economy is undergoing deep and rapid changes that are revolutionizing how production is organized. The very concept of the “job market” seems outdated in a world where skills are increasingly becoming the real currency. If the most innovative firms’ main demand is for talent, however, it is impossible to imagine a future without policies tailored to the transition that the majority of workers are going to have to face as they adapt to the continuing changes imposed by digitalization.

                                          • Venice
                                          • 11 October 2019

                                            Focus on Industry: Competitiveness and the new industrial triangle

                                              The new industrial triangle (Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli) is currently one of the European continent’s most dynamic drivers behind growth in GDP, exports and value added manufacturing. A performance made possible by an intersection of business, universities and public administration anchored to major technological and research platforms. The data are gratifying but, at the same time, they raise questions. In a country characterized by such exasperated dualism, it becomes urgent to understand how the new industrial triangle can bring the rest of the country with it.

                                            • Varano de' Melegari (PR)
                                            • 2 July 2019

                                              The car of the future: Made in Italy, technology, competition

                                                The automobile industry is riding the crest of a major innovative wave involving the digitalization of products and processes, the science of materials and solutions for sustainable mobility. This automotive evolution concerns automobiles produced for “mobility” and vehicles for “fun”. Indeed, these two broad categories are becoming increasingly divergent and often have antithetic specifications.

                                              • Milan
                                              • 17 June 2019

                                                Climate change, soil, food: from crisis to growth

                                                  Contemporary society is paradoxical: the number of global deaths for lack of food is equal to those linked with illnesses due to over-eating. This immoral division of food resources is all the more problematic if you consider that the food production chain (from farm to consumer table) accounts for nearly 40% of harmful gas emissions.